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The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is an annual trade show organized by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) to display new products and technologies in the consumer electronics industry. The event has seen its largest scale in 2024, with representation from 150+ countries, territories and regions, and registration by 311 Fortune Global 500 companies.

The most prestigious award at CES is the Best of Innovation, which recognizes the highest rating products in each category. To analyze the recent progress of various countries and companies in the electronics industry, we analyzed all the CES best of innovation awards from 2017 to 2024, here are our findings:

  • Korea, Rep. had fewer awards before 2020, but it has since caught up with the United States and remarkably surpassed other countries.

  • The two companies with the most awards are Samsung and LG, both based in Korea, Rep.

  • In CES 2024, the sole exhibitor from Czechia won the best of innovation award.

Korea, Rep. Overtook the United States as the top country to win the CES Best of Innovation Award

Using an analysis of the headquarters location of each award winner, we determined the number of CES Best of Innovation awards won by each country over the past 8 years. Before 2020, Korea, Rep. had only won a few CES Best of Innovations awards, averaging less than 4 per year. However, since 2020, this number has been increasing steadily. In 2023, Korea, Rep. surpassed the United States with 9 awards. In 2024, it achieved a new record with 11 awards.

Samsung and LG, leading CES Best of Innovation Award winners, are both from Korea, Rep.

The top award-winning companies over the past eight years include Samsung, LG, Bosch, Whill, and AMD. Samsung and LG, both from Korea, Rep., have earned the most awards. Combined, these two companies have won an equal number of awards as the companies ranked from 3rd to 12th. It's worth noting that not all companies in Korea, Rep. have achieved the same level of success as Samsung and LG. Out of the total of 43 awards won by Korea, Rep., 28 were won by Samsung and LG, indicating their significant contributions to the rapid growth of Korea, Rep.'s consumer electronics industry.

CES Best Of Innovation Award Winners

In 2024, Czechia is the top-ranked country in terms of CES Best of Innovation Awards Winners Per 1,000 exhibitors.

In 2024 CES, there were 1,131 Chinese exhibitors, 1,559 US exhibitors, and 898 exhibitors from Korea, Rep. They made up 26.3%, 36.3% and 20.9% respectively of the total exhibitors. Altogether, exhibitors from these three countries accounted for 83.4% of the total number of exhibitors.

After analyzing the number of exhibitors and Best of Innovation Awards won by each country in 2024, we calculated the winners per 1,000 exhibitors.

The findings are very noticeable. Despite having only one exhibitor, The Czech Republic won the Best of Innovation Award in 2024.

Surprisingly, countries like Sweden, Japan, and Germany, which had fewer exhibitors, showed a higher rate of success compared to Korea Rep. and the United States.

Best Innovation Awards Per 1,000 Exhibitors


We collected the CES Best of Innovation Awards and their respective companies from 2017 to 2024 from ces.tech and wikipedia.org. Then, we researched the countries where these companies are headquartered using Wikipedia.

Afterward, we tallied the number of awards for each country and the total awards received by each company each year. Then, we analyzed the trend of the awards for each country over time and ranked the companies based on their total number of awards.

Finally, we collected data on all the exhibitors at the 2024 CES from ces.tech and analyzed both the number of Best of Innovation Awards won by each country per 1,000 exhibitors and their respective rankings.

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